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Elon Musk Vs Jeff Bezos' WEIRD Morning Routines

Andrew Kirby
~10 min read
Feb 10, 2021

It's a recently Elon Musk. Overtook. Jeff Bezos is the world's richest man and just a couple weeks after this happened. Jeff Bezos stepped down as CEO of Amazon now did Elon Musk? Bully Jeff Bezos away from the CEO role or is there another reason chances are there's another reason but still I've done Elon musk's morning routine where I did an experiment where I tried as morning routine for seven days, and I've also done an experiment where I tried Jeff Bezos is morning routine for seven days.

Elon Musk Vs Jeff Bezos' WEIRD Morning Routines thumbnail

So I wanted to compare the two of them because they're wildly different analyze the benefits and try and figure out which one's right for you. So let's break down both of them morning routines and then we'll get into the analysis. So Jeff Bezos starts the Morning by waking up early but not because he doesn't get enough sleep. Jeff Bezos always make sure that he gets around 8 hours of sleep or at least he says that in interviews I get eight hours of sleep. I prioritize it unless I'm traveling in different time zones. Sometimes it's impossible, but I am very.

Focused on it. And and in the for me I needed I was just in the morning. He passes and needs brakes with with his family. I remember reading this when I did this video and he actually is known for making blueberry chocolate chip pancakes first thing in the morning, then once he's done with his pattering until around 10 a.m. He starts with his first most important meeting the most important meaning that he's got to get done for the day is done first thing perhaps he's read the book eat that frog perhaps he hasn't more likely that he has it but.

as he's done that at the end of the day, he just draws a line when he's feeling tired by 5:00 p.m. He says that I can't think about these difficult problems anymore to just calls it quit relatively short day 10 a.m. To 5 p.m. Of actual work the rest of the time from the looks of it. He just spends chilling. Now that morning routine incredibly relaxed. Let's just say that that is the complete opposite of Elon Musk morning routine. Let's check it out. So Elon Musk is known to not get anywhere near as much sleep as he's.

Get you're not sleeping a lot right parties delicate that because it was really great. Where do you sleep tonight? And if it slides in the factory it is in the factory not know what technically a conference room in the factory. But ya know in interviews Elon Musk makes it clear that he doesn't get the amount of sleep that he should he's often feature with massive bags under his eyes bloodshot eyes. He looks incredibly tired. There's even times where he slept on the sofa inside of his office so that he doesn't have to go home to sleep so he can get up and work I see..

On a couch with her. So you're just laying here. Yeah, when he does wake up in the morning. The first thing he does is he skipped breakfast drink some coffee and then spends the first hour a week reading emails. Now, this is the productivity YouTubers worst nightmare no morning routine video that you'll ever see on YouTube recommends you to do any of these things but yet how has Elon Musk become the world's richest person if he does nothing of all of the things that you've been told you should be doing. How is.

So successful something isn't adding up. So before I share with you the pros and cons of each morning routine in which one I recommend you doing let me abstract from this situation a little bit more and try and provide you with just a little bit more value. But in order for me to do that, I'm going to have to stop going into the Realms of tips techniques tricks hacks morning routines and try and transcend the current Paradigm that most people on this planet are in and present to you a new understanding..

That's quite contrary to a lot of the other things that you spend your time reading about watching about and learning about so what most people do is they look at somebody who they think is in the situation that they want to be in Jeff Bezos Elon Musk, maybe even the Buddha and they look at the behaviors of these people and they try and replicate their behaviors thinking if they can replicate their behaviors, they're going to replicate their results. So what someone may do is they may see the morning routines of successful people and they may try to emulate those things..

Well, they may see that the Buddha is very quiet and is silent and he's very grateful. So now what people try and do in order to get the benefits that Buddha has the enlightenment the inner peace and this applies to success as well. By the way is they try to copy they tried to be grateful. They tried to be present and they tried to be silent. But what's happened when you've tried to be present maybe you do feel a moment of presence or a moment of gratitude for the fleeting moment that you're trying to do those things..

things but as soon as you stop as soon as you stop having it at the conscious of your mind as soon as you stop trying to be grateful or trying to be present through meditation immediately you return straight back to the place that you were before to whenever you try to emulate someone's Behavior whenever you try to do any of these techniques or tips or tricks, they will work for the short period of time but then you will result to your Baseline people will see someone successful and they will see that they don't procrastinate and they are productive so.

People themselves will try to stop procrastinating and they will try to be productive and this may work but it will only work for a short period of time until you slip into your default State and what's going to end up happening as you go through these periods of productiveness, unproductive Miss productiveness and productiveness. If you're trying to be present you go from present to unpleasant to present to unpleasant, but the scary thing is when we look at the whole of your life 98% of the time is in the state that you don't want to be in 98% of your life..

He is in a state of ungratefulness or unpleasant or unproductive anise. And there are only a few spikes that bring you up when you try consciously to be grateful or present or productive what you have to understand and what changes the game when it comes to these morning routine videos or even technique videos or how-to videos are five steps to videos his behavior comes from understanding if there's cause and effect than the Paradigm you have is the cause and behavior is the.

Perfect. So if you try to modify at the behavioral level you cannot be dealing with symptoms of a deeper disease and if you're dealing with symptoms of a disease, the disease is always going to be there so you can manage the systems. You can comb the system's whatever they are gratitude productivity mindfulness. But as long as the disease is still there. It will always win. So instead of trying to modify the behavior level if you want to have lasting change whether that's in productivity or procrastination or gratitude or.

Anything it has to come from the understanding level and not the behavior level if this wasn't the case. All you would have to do to get to Elon Musk situations copies morning routine and you might have to work hard because Elon Musk works hard, but you have to understand he's not working hard for the sake of working hard. He's not waking up early for the sake of waking up early. He's doing that because he has to do that in order to get to where he wants to get two techniques and how to's only work with very very simple things..

How do you put a hammer into a table fine listen to techniques there? But when we're dealing with the complex nuanced elixirs of human life and human nature the complexities of the human brain, which is infinitely complex. There's no way you can get where you want to get to with a how-to or copying someone's morning routine or a habit tracker or five had the habits of productive people just look in your life and look at where.

These things have brought you they have not brought you to where you want to get to for 99% of the people watching this. So stop relying on these things and start adopting the true understanding of how Behavior forms a perfect example is Imagine. We've got a Christian and we've got an atheist. Both of them have very very different beliefs. And when we look at their behavior their wildly different one goes to church and one doesn't go to church. If you told the atheist are you should go to church once a week. He's not going to go to church..

the week even if he uses a habit tracker, even if your users kuehl routine reward, when you have the understanding when you have the Paradigm Behavior comes effortlessly when you recognize how truly small you are and how lucky we are to be alive and well and healthy on this planet gratitude comes and gratitude stays the understanding leads to be permanent side effect of behavior change when you understand that the future is the myth and the past is a.

myth than presence will come and present will stay no trying but true constant change comes through understanding when you realize that your time is finite and you realize the root causes of your procrastination then procrastination goes and procrastination stays gone. So overall which morning routine is better while the best morning routine is the morning routine that you believe is going to get you to where you want to get to not somebody else's morning routine that applies in a.

elite you get different contexts to yours not some prescribed templated morning routine that someone's told you to do and told you is amazing. You have to think for yourself and you have to think where is it that I'm trying to get to and what do I believe are the causes that going to lead to the effect of where you want to get to that is it?.