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Nate O'Brien

5 Best Investments For 2021

Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel. My name is Nate. And in this video. I'm going to share five Investments that I'm holding for life and I haven't made a video like this in quite a while. I tend not to talk about too many personal Investments...

5 Books You NEED To Read in 2021

Hey, welcome back to the channel. So in this video we're looking at five books that I believe everyone should read in 2021. Now, I've personally curated this list of books so that it can hit different categories. And as you know, if you've been watch...

My Investing Plan for 2021

Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel in this video. I'm going to break down my plans for investing in 2021. We're also going to look back on 20/20 talk about some different strategies some things that I've done and essentially where I'm allocati...

My Plan To Make $1 Million In 2021

Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel in this video. I'm going to break down my projected income or revenue for 2021 sort of my strategy what I'm doing and hopefully this video can be of some value to you. I don't want this video to come off as i...

Revealing My Investment Portfolio

So six months ago, I made a video discussing my Investment Portfolio breaking down where I allocate my assets and being that we're pretty much in a totally different world today than we were six months ago. I wanted to make another video giving you s...

8 Money Lessons I Wish I Learned Sooner

This video is sponsored by Google pixel for a the financial advice in this video reflects. My personal opinions only and is not endorsed by Google or any of its Affiliates in the past three years. I've made over a hundred videos on this channel shari...

7 Bad Morning Habits To Avoid

So in this video we're going to look at 7:00 bad morning habits that you should probably avoid now. Not only can some of these be bad for your productivity. But also some of them can be negative towards your health and other factors that I think are ...

12 Lessons That Improved My Life

Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel. So in this video, I want to share with you some of the lessons that I've learned in my relatively short life now, obviously as you grow older, we gained quite a bit of wisdom and I'm still pretty young. So I...

I Read A Book A Week (Here's What Happened)

For the better half of the last century we've experienced a number of life-altering technological advances which have improved not only our ability to communicate and learn but it's changed the way in which we consume information as a whole with more...

My Plan To Retire At 24

The average American retires at age 62 with a median net worth of two hundred and twenty four thousand dollars for most of our Lives. We've been told by friends family and advisors that seemingly only when we reach our 60s will we be capable of retir...

How To Build Wealth As A Teenager (6 Tips)

Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel in this video. We're looking at how to build wealth as a teenager or somebody in their 20s or 30s or just anybody who likes to think that they're young. So what we're going to do today is look at some of thes...

5 HUGE Roth IRA Mistakes That Can Cost Thousands

Retirement it's something that most of us don't really think about very often considering that most viewers on this channel are in their 20s or in their 30s or time. It just seems so far away. But in this video we're going to discuss Roth IRAs in som...