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50+ Myths You Grew Up Believing but Are False thumbnail
50+ Myths You Grew Up Believing but Are False
We only have five senses. Myth. There's no right number some say five seven 14:24 or even 57 our most basic senses are actually sight hearing smell taste and touch but also movement body position temperature balance and the sense of our internal State like feeling your heart for example, close your eyes and touch your nose that's proprioception or body position. Bats are blind myth. That's eyesight is actually better at night time than ours. He just can't see as well in daytime because they only see in black and white. It's perhaps this myth arose from the fact that bats use sonar to navigate with outside unicorns are real true. They're not horses though. It's deer that are likely the culprit a single horn can be a genetic anomaly found in some species possibly leading to the Unicorn. That formed a long time ago. Honey, never spoils myth uncovered in a humid environment. It will spoil as long as the lid stays on it and no water is added to it. Honey. Shouldn't go bad though, having antifungal and antibacterial properties means no organisms can live in it. No matter how old your stored honey is it's probably perfectly edible oranges are always orange. Myth sweet oranges are a hybrid of tangerines and the Mellow with a bright green skin to help protect them from the Sun in warmer climates, like southeast Asia oranges are still a bright green when right make sure wonder what came first the fruit or the color. There are bugs in your strawberry Frappuccino true. But not anymore add I made of ground-up tiny insects called cochineal Bugs is used by many companies to make the color red Starbucks. Stop using bug. Red color and their strawberry Frappuccinos in 2015 firefighters use wetter water true to be more efficient at stopping fyers firefighters recently started adding certain chemicals to the water the wetting agents reduce the surface tension of the water making it easier to spread and soak into objects leave wasps alone, and they'll leave you alone myth. Well, this works for bees their cousins. The Yellowjackets will disagree Known as one of the most bad-tempered wasps. They've been said to staying unprovoked even if you just happen to walk by their nest. If you see wasps give them a wide berth. The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be torn down after 20 years true. The Eiffel Tower was designed to show off Frances industrial power during the World's Fair the designers cleverly put transmitters and antennas on top to make the tower to useful to eventually demolished. polish Head lice preferred dirty hair myth lice don't really think about hair cleanliness. They simply need human hair to hang on to whether it's squeaky clean or greasier than a fryer lice feed off of our scalps and the hair is just a place to hang out Camels Hump store water. Myth camels don't store water. They store fat in their tissues. Just like me after the holidays these reservoirs. Fed allow camels to survive for days in the desert without stopping for food. They drink large amount of water at a time and store that in their bloodstream. You need to drink eight glasses of water a day. Myth staying hydrated is critical, especially in hotter weather, but we seem to forget that every drink is mainly water even tea and coffee. Our bodies are the best indicators for when to drink water feel thirsty, then it's time to have a drink. An elephant never forgets true having the biggest brain of all land animals elephants should have a great memory and they do being able to remember their entire territory friends and Spas to find water is crucial to the social structure of elephants. They might even have a better memory than you and I now where did I leave my keys? Another myth. Is that a possums hang on branches with their tail? The opossum does use its tail to help it climb trees but its tail can't support its way even a hulked out calisthenics Master opossum could only hang there for a few seconds Max Legend has it that a penguin will fall backward when looking up at an aircraft Que te Smith ever Penguins can maintain their balance no matter what even while looking up at the sky, but low, Fine airplanes may cause Penguins to flee their nests in panic. There's a myth that owls can turn their heads full circle, but that would cause them significant damage but still they can turn their heads comfortably more than halfway around because of their unique neck bone structure. If you've ever poked a turtle shell thinking it won't hurt the guy inside you'd be wrong a turtle shell is a living and feeling part of its body with a complete nerve ending Supply if the shell gets damaged it can even endanger the turtles live there was a time when people thought that unwashed hair was the ideal habitat for headlines, but head lice don't discriminate. No, they can make themselves a home in all hair types. All they really want is a warm scalp. Most people are familiar with the phrase an apple a day keeps the doctor away apples are good for you. Sure. They're packed with nutrients like fiber and vitamin C. But does anyone really think that's enough when it comes to Food hygiene. The five-second rule just doesn't make sense. There should be a where you drop it rule to replace the 5 second one. Generally if you drop food on your kitchen floor, it's going to pick up fewer bacteria than if you drop it at the checkout counter of a busy Supermarket, of course, that's assuming your kitchens clean up. Oh ever wondered whether the story about chewing gum taking seven years to digest is true. Nah, it isn't chewing gum isn't too different from any other food. It takes around the same time to digest but it's not exactly nutrient heavy Legend has it that catching a cold is likely to happen in cold weather, but Studies have shown that weather doesn't really play a part in getting a cold a virus. Does people may experience more cold-like symptoms when Weather is icy cold, but temperature has nothing to do with recovery time or anything like that do people only use 10% of their brains. Well, I have some friends who seem to never mind. No, the answer is no scientists who've studied brain scans say they don't show any large dormant areas of the brain. But if the myth is just about humans having a long way to go to reach their full potential. Yeah, that sounds about right. Right one of life's no nose is to jump into the pool right after eating but hitting the gym after a big meal can leave you feeling just as uncomfortable as doing a few laps. Also, if you're worried about getting a cramp in the pool, those can happen anytime not just after a meal does shaved hair grow back darker and thicker researchers say it doesn't but shaving does give your hair a blunt tip, which can make it feel thicker when it comes to color that. New darker stubble is Just an Illusion. Some people are convinced that eating turkey leaves them feeling drowsy. It's true that turkey has a chemical that can cause drowsiness but so does chicken or beef turkey is a favorite for those massive family celebrations. So that drowsiness it's probably due to the huge amount. You wait the myth that people lose most of their body heat through their heads was probably first invented by a hat salesman. Not surprising scientists say that people lose only about 10% of their body heat through their heads. You lose heat through your skin. No matter where that skin is. Have you heard the saying that a full moon can affect your mind somehow and no but researchers believe that light from a full moon can affect your sleep which can affect your mood did ancient Vikings really wear those awesome horned helmets. There's no real evidence to back up. Is claim this myth probably came from Books and Music looking to spice up their Heroes of debt. If you want to see a viking with a helmet go to a Minnesota Vikings game. That's about as close as you're gonna get some people believe Einstein flunked math and school Einstein himself debunk this Theory by saying he mastered calculus at age 15, but Einstein did fail to enter the school of his choice because he flunked languages on his first try. But math he passed with flying colors. This statement holds some truth because silver does have antibacterial properties. However, just putting something silver in the water whether it's a spoon chain or coin won't cut it because there aren't enough silver ions to get that cleansing effect. All types of tea green black white and so on grow on the same Bush, they just get their specific tastes and appearances after the leaves are harvested. It's all about the different processes of leaf, drying and fermentation. Actually. It's totally possible. You just have to avoid using any digital devices before bedtime because the blue light they emit suppresses the secretion of melatonin the hormone that makes us sleepy give this tip a try and you'll fall asleep. Charlier and thus wake up early enough to get that worm these animals just bend down to the sand to eat it not bury their head in it swallowing it along with small Pebbles helps their digestion. Nope, you can and in fact should wake a sleepwalking person if they're about to do something risky that might hurt them or someone else in any other case. It's better to gently guide them back to bed. The Great Wall of China is invisible to the naked eye from space. However, some human-made constructions such as the ancient pyramids at Giza are. Ever been told you have the memory of a goldfish can't remember, huh? Well scientists now believe that these fish can remember for up to five months and are even responsive to training Sit Stay good fishy. The sun is a fireball it kind of what we see as the sun in the skies is the result of innumerable processes of nuclear fusion this releases an unimaginable amount of energy every second. But nothing here is actually burning for fire to burn it needs oxygen and its really scarce in the sun. The sun is yellow. The power in our Sun's light is so immense. We just can't put a stamp of one color on it. It's a lot of colors mixed together, which makes it appear as white. We see the sun as yellow or orange sometimes read only because the atmosphere of the earth scatters colors like blue green and violet. This is also why we see the sky as blue. Water is extremely rare in the universe. Both of the elements water consists of are among the most abundant stuff in the universe. We think water is scarce only because we rarely found it on our neighboring planets, but science proposes, there are lots of huge worlds having up to half of their mass as water to compare. Our planet's mass is only 0.02 percent water. All comets have tails in reality comets are almost invisible before they get close to the star and their tails appear this tale consists of ice scattering away when the comet gets closer to the heat of the star if the comet isn't heated it won't have a tail. The void of space is cold space isn't just cold. It's extremely cold - 454 degrees Fahrenheit. Nothing a sweater can save you from but relatively close to the Sun it gets up to 250 degrees. This is also why space suits are white, they need to reflect as much light and heat as possible. Orbits are circles with massive space objects in their Center while the sun holds planets in their orbits due to its gravitational pull planets have their own poll that shifts the center of orbit away from the Sun. It looks more like they danced with each other plus orbits have elliptical shapes not circles. Summer is warmer because we're closer to the Sun. Nope. Not at all during summer. The sun is above the Horizon for up to 17 hours a day, but during the winter. It's just six hours this happens because the axis of the earth is tilted at an angle. So at one time of the year the northern part of the earth catches more sunlight and at another time, it's the southern Parts turn to get more warmth. Astronauts work out on orbit because they need muscular bodies to work in Space. The gravity on orbit doesn't affect your body and it doesn't work as much astronauts work out because they need to be ready to return back to earth and its gravity without feeling like they're about to get squished. It's difficult to go through asteroid belts. Well unlike the movies real asteroid belts are kind of boring and empty between two space rocks in a belt like huge distances of nothing at all going through one in a spaceship with decent planning would be a walk in a park except you're in space sound and fire in space. There's no oxygen in space. So if a spaceship goes Any fire will burn out the oxygen inside the ship and then just fade and in the vacuum of space. There's not enough matter to transfer the sound the sun would be definitely loud. Otherwise since it basically produces innumerable colossal blasts happening every moment. Warp drives that can distort space-time and get you to a distant corner of an alien galaxy in the blink of an eye. That's a staple of any Space Opera space ships capable of such a feet are always shown as instantly accelerating from zero to faster than light according to the law of physics people on board should well at least be pushed into their seats hard more strictly speaking. No one would be able to survive such an acceleration because it's too many G's on a Agile human body until we find a way to reduce the effects of overload. We can't even start thinking of space warps water isn't the rarest and most precious resource in the universe. In fact, there's a humongous space Cloud several million light years away from us that consists entirely of water. Its reserves would be enough to fill all our oceans 140 trillion times over and many planets some Even in our solar system seem to have liquid water. Water on them the most precious resource in space is life and that requires a lot more stuff to appear than just liquid water astronauts are often shown working out on the ISS and sci-fi space stations. And that much is true. They do need physical activity. But the reason isn't that they need strong bodies to work in Space the gravity out. There is much weaker and astronauts don't use their muscles as much as on Earth. So when they come back to the surface gravity Them as a sledgehammer and their bodies feel squishy to alleviate those effects. They train every day. Although they say we can see millions of stars on a clear starry night. That number is much more modest about 3,000. All the rest are other objects that are also luminous and mistaken for stars planets distant galaxies and even artificial satellites. They're simply being illuminated by real stars. Just like the moon and Become seen but because they're that far away. We can't tell if they're stars are not still you got to admit. It's all still pretty cool. Despite what many sci-fi directors want us to believe there's no dark side to the Moon. Our satellite is tidally locked with Earth. Meaning. It's always turn to us with one side while the other always looks away. The sun is much farther from us than the moon and were both turning round and round warming and lighting this side and that in turn it means that once in every short while the Moon is lit by the Sun from either side. It's just that we can't see it from where we are.
How to be miserable for the rest of your life thumbnail
How to be miserable for the rest of your life
Here's a quick tutorial on how to be miserable for the rest of your life Step 1. Wake up whenever you want to don't wake up at a reasonable hour an hour that makes you feel good about yourself. Make sure you wake up when everyone has had a head start to the day. You really want to make sure you feel like you've missed any chance to start your day off on the right foot and when you get out of bed, don't make your bed don't shower just wear whatever you wore yesterday and head downstairs. It's important that you start the day off with little to no self-respect feeling as grimy. As possible step to make sure your house is always a complete disaster. Your house is filled with many rooms each with a specific purpose. You want to make sure that it's extremely difficult to accomplish those purposes. The pigsty will also help subconsciously reinforce the idea that you're a disorganized person whose life is not in order. This is an extremely important belief to have when trying to remain miserable step 3 procrastinate When the Thought Dawns on you to do something productive like clean your disgusting kitchen just Ignore that feeling after all you just woke up and you have so much time later in the day to get that done. You want to get in the habit of delegating all your life's problems to the future version of yourself who will probably have a lot more motivation and energy than you do right now step 4 look busy after you sit down to do some work open up a Word document to help yourself feel like you're being productive give your document a nice title and then immediately open up Reddit Instagram Facebook and Twitter just to check if you missed. Anything you see it doesn't really matter what you do as long as you're sitting on your desk and that word document is open. It'll help trick your conscience into thinking you're doing work, but you won't be getting any further in life step 5, wait for opportunities never be proactive with finding new opportunities to grow your career or meet new people wait for all that to come knocking on your door after all it's going to happen. It's going to happen. You'll meet the girl of your dreams one day and things will kind of just work out you probably also Land your dream job if you just wait long enough. Anyways, the important thing is to not take action. Don't try to figure out the most effective way to get what you want. Just wait until things work out step 6 be default know when a friend asks you to go out for a drink just say no after all you're super busy these days and have a lot of work to do when your boss gives you the opportunity to lead a meeting at work try to find an excuse to slink out of it. The key here is to give everyone the impression that they should just let you do your own thing. NG be so good at saying no that people just stopped asking you to do anything step 7 be suspicious of people never give people the benefit of the doubt believe that everyone basically just wants to take advantage of you and because of this you should be guarded and put up walls to protect yourself emotionally assume the smiles people give you are fake and that their motives are malevolent step 8 never fix the things you dislike about yourself continue to engage in activities that make you feel And week never prove to yourself that you can overcome obstacles or better yourself never attempt to transcend your vices or change your lifestyle for the better subscribe to the idea that people can't change. So you shouldn't try step 9 focus on things you can't control as often as possible get pissed off at the traffic the government the pandemic you really want to reinforce the idea that the world is messed up and there's nothing you can do about it focus on the shortcomings of others. Failings of your country and the state of the economy maintain a constant external locus of control over all the events in your life. This will really help you feel powerless. And if you're trying to be miserable, that's perfect step 10 use fear as motivation make the fear of negative consequence your primary motivator for everything you do set up deadlines that frighten you and punish yourself for failing to meet them. Use White Knuckle tactics to force yourself into productivity and remind yourself constantly. Only that your entire life could fall apart. If you don't keep your head above water Step 11 only do what is comfortable. Let your comfort zone be the authority on what you do and don't do if it's not comfortable don't do it avoid discomfort at all costs and participate only in activities that are familiar and effortless don't concern yourself with gaining fresh perspectives or novel experiences stay in your lane operating your wheelhouse step 12 believe you're special behave. Like you're entitled to things on the basis that you're just different than everyone else assume that the people that have what you want in life. Just don't deserve it as much as you do always regard yourself as talented unique one-of-a-kind. This will really help you develop an outsider complex, which will make it difficult to open up to other people or see things from their perspective. But since you don't want to do any of that uncomfortable stuff anyways, that's perfect Step 13 C life not as it is, but how you wish it? To be day dream of a day where things are better fantasize about a life where all your problems are gone. You want to make sure you mentally Escape as much as possible to distract you from the obstacles in front of you pour your mental energy not into fixing your problems or improving yourself, but into building up this fantasy to be as detailed as possible reflect daily about what you would buy if you won the lottery or became a celebrity constantly compare your life to this fiction and become resentful at the juxtaposition. So if suffering is what you're after and you crave the daily Strife then you're in luck because if you follow this advice, you'll be miserable for the rest of your life. This video was sponsored by audible the audiobook I'm currently diving into is green lights by Matthew McConaughey. It's been on Amazon's bestseller list for 23 straight weeks now and I wanted to see what the hype is about and sure enough. I'm really enjoying it so far. I think the audible version is especially enjoyable because it's narrated by McConaughey himself which really helps his lessons and Tails resonate with the reader. It really feels like you're getting to know Matthew McConaughey personally and he just seems like a cool guy to know for those of you who don't know audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment and audio books ranging from best sellers to celebrity Memoirs motivation productivity and so much more like original entertainment and even podcasts audible recently launched their newest plan audible plus and with audible plus you get access to their entire. R+ catalog which is filled with thousands and thousands of Select Originals audiobooks and podcasts including ad free versions of popular shows as well as exclusive series. One of my favorite things about audible is that if you decide to cancel your membership for whatever reason at any point, you still keep your entire library of audio books including the audio books that you got for free using their credit system. So it's kind of a no-brainer. So to sign up for your free 30-day trial click the link in the description below. Hello, visit audible.com slash better ideas or text better ideas to 500 500 once again to sign up for your free 30-day trial click the link in the description below visit audible.com slash better ideas or text better ideas to 500 500.
How to Beat Procrastination thumbnail
How to Beat Procrastination
The blank screen the empty page the unfilmed video whenever we sit down to start writing or creating anything. We're often Paralyzed by a force stopping us from starting stopping us from typing that first word writing that first page or filming that first video. Now the most common question I get asked on the Internet is utterly. How are you? So cool, but the second most common question is I lay how do you beat procrastination and the answer is in this book The War of art by Steven pressfield. He says that most of us have two lives the life. We live and the unlived life within us and between the two is this thing called. Old the resistance and that is the secret to overcoming procrastination and this is actually a surprisingly life-changing insight and I first read this in 2017 and it actually completely changed the way that I approach life and meaningful productivity and it kind of helped me stop being a chronic procrastinator. And so in this video we're going to talk about three key points from the book that have helped me personally be procrastination and hopefully they can help do the same for you point. Number one know thy enemy. So the first question we need to address is what is resistance resistance is the negative Force that's actively working against us to stop us from Doing the things we want to do. It doesn't stop us from watching Netflix or from playing video games instead. It stops us from doing anything that we know in our hearts is going to level up our lives like resistance isn't really that feeling that we get when we call me bother to clean the desk or call me about the to I don't know wash the dishes that is resistance with a small R. But resistance with a Big R is the resistance that you know that Force that's holding us back from doing creative or entrepreneurial things or things that require any level of risk taking or putting ourselves out there and whenever we try and do any of this stuff we always have To go up against this hill of procrastination. That's a constant battle and there's a nice quote from the book where he says we don't tell ourselves. I'm never going to write my Symphony instead. We say I am going to write my Symphony. I'm just going to start tomorrow. I've heard this a million times with people being like, you know, what I want to start a YouTube channel at some point. I'm going to start a podcast but you know, the timings not quite right? I you know, I haven't quite got the gear I haven't quite got the Kudos. Why would anyone care what I have to say? This is all resistant. It's all that procrastination that's building within us. But what really fuels resistance is fear resistance is activated by fear and gain strength. Whenever we give into that fear creating a cycle that we fall into and which leads to resistance becoming even stronger as our fear becomes even greater. But as he says in the book fear is actually a very good thing because when we feel scared about doing something it usually means we should just do the thing. He writes remember one rule of thumb the more scared. We are of a work or calling the more sure we can be that we have to do it and in a way resistance is that compass that points towards a thing in a life that's actually most important for us to do like I never feel any resistance toward sitting down and playing World of Warcraft. But I do feel resistance towards sitting down and writing my book and that tells me that sitting down to write. My book is currently the most important thing. I need to be working on and the key rule of thumb here as Steven pressfield rights is of the more resistance you experience the more important your unmanifested art or project or Enterprise is to you. And since I first read this in 2017, I've actually started using this as a model for in a way model for decision-making. Like if I feel scared about doing something then more often than not I will try my very best to actually do the thing and so far in my life. I have never regretted doing Thing that I'm scared of but I've always regretted not doing something that I was scared of. So now that we've done step one, which is know our enemy and we've defined resistance and figured out what it actually is. It's that source that makes us procrastinate. We need to figure out some ways of dealing with it. And the first one is key Point number two in this video, which has become a professional in the book pressfield introduces the idea of the professional versus the amateur an amateur takes action whenever inspiration strikes or when they're in the right mood. They're not committed and the goals are focused on fun money and Status a professional chef. It's their life said that the work is a priority. They're determined and committed to succeed by following their inner drive and creative Spirit. Now our boy Steve says that the only way we can deal with resistance is if we become a professional with our work rather than an amateur and I think I think it's interesting how he doesn't Define professional as being someone who makes money from the thing because you can want to make money from a thing but still treat it like a complete amateur but instead a professional is someone who does it for the sake of doing the work and takes pride in the work itself and there's a few other traits that professionals have when it comes to doing their job. If you're a professional then you will show up every day to your job. No matter what you want just not go to work because you don't feel like it if you're a professional you work through adversity and you're open to criticism because you always want to improve whereas if you're an amateur, then you feel like you know, if you draw something or make a video and someone gives you bad feedback or you got a bad comment you get like really kind of woe is me and like it hurts your feelings and it like ruins your life because you're treating it like an amateur. Whereas if you treat it as a professional you would be more inclined to actually grow from the feedback and professional as well will understand that fear is just part of the work like if you're a doctor and that's your profession, you know that you're going to be stepping outside your comfort zone. Whereas if you approach things with an amateur perspective like starting YouTube channel or whatever as soon as the going gets tough, then you're going to fold like a cheap suit as they say and finally if you're a professional with your work you recognize that facing the resistance is the daily battle when I'm working as a doctor when I wake up in the mornings and I think I don't really feel like going to work. I do it. Anyway. It's part of the daily battle. It's just what you have to do when you're a doctor and you know, someone asks you to put an IV or a cannula into a patient who you know has difficult veins. That's resistance you like I don't wanna do this but it's part of the work. It's part of the job. This is what I have to do. And we want to be kind of taking that sort of attitude towards our other like creative and entrepreneurial stuff. And obviously there is some level in which you can take this too far like being so focused on like treating your hobbies as a professional to the point where you doing it for eight hours a day is probably a little bit excessive and there is certainly something to be said for not monetizing all of your hobbies or at least not trying to make a living from your hobbies because like for me a hobby is fun when it makes a bit of money like playing. Guitar if I could get paid a bit of money to play the guitar that would make it really really fun. But if I was reliant on playing the guitar for earning a living I'd be starving on the street and it would also make playing the guitar a lot less fun. So treating our creative and entrepreneurial stuff as a professional doesn't mean it takes over our life. It just means that we're approaching it with a bit more of a professional mindset rather than the mindset of oh, I'll do my thing whenever I feel like it because that doesn't really work if you're treating something like a pro key Point number three is we need to banish the ego now. He said that once we become a professional the We need to do is recognize the ongoing battle between the self and the ego and the way I see this is that our ego is more focused on external events and how other people see us whereas the self is this inner calm that we have which is about the way that we see ourselves when we led by our ego our main priorities to maintain the status of the eye in the world and we're just focused on how external events affect us and everything is very superficial and surface level. Then we've got the self which is made up of the individual and Collective unconscious areas of our minds which includes our dreams intuition. Visions and aspirations. It encompasses the deepest form of who we are and when we sit down to create we're attempting to channel the self because it's through the self that we can be resistance. Now some of this stuff is a little bit woo for my liking like pressfield goes on about like how creative Endeavors are like a new plane of existence are all striving for that, you know plane of existence and resistance is like the devil that gets in the way. It can go a bit worried at times. It's kind of similar to like the growth mindset and fixed mindset stuff in a way when we have a fixed mindset and we get like negative feedback or something or we do. We know is not very good. It really shakes us to the core because it like damages our ego. Whereas when we have a growth mindset to something. We recognize that if we fail at something it's just part of the process of improving over time. And another way that I think of this is when it comes to goal setting so I found that for me I get a lot more resistance is procrastination when I've got goals that are based on outcomes that are outside of my control. So for example, if I'm making YouTube videos, which is an easy example one way of thinking about my goals for YouTube is to think about okay. I want this video to get this many views or I want to hit this many subscribers by the end of the year. That's a very outcome goal and it's very outside of my control. The only thing in my control is making the videos. But if I have a goal that I want this video to be really good then that's when the perfectionism takes hold. That's when I feel the resistance that's when I procrastinate so much to the point that I don't even make the video and I've seen this basically with every student who's been through my part-time YouTuber Academy anyone who's doing YouTube or starting YouTube or getting better at YouTuber taking it? Seriously, if you start thinking that this video needs to be good as defined by The people think of it it makes it really hard to actually make the video. Whereas what I prefer is to have most of my goals being input goals IE. They are entirely within my control. They're entirely based on inputs that I control. So I'm going to make two videos a week for the net for the rest of my life is an input goal at something is a broadly within my control. I'm going to write the best book that I can or end a book that I'm happy with is an input goal. It's a goal within my control. Whereas I'm going to write a book and I wanted to hit the New York Times bestseller list, which is what I've been thinking about recently. That's very much an output goal and is broadly outside of my control. Troll And I find that when it comes to again took to writing my book any time I even think of that outcome goal. I feel the procrastination. I feel the resistance. I feel the pain. Whereas when I think you know, what my job is to do is to just write the best book that I can it becomes a lot easier to do and now I've realized that for basically whatever I do if I'm struggling with procrastination. Usually it's the resistance getting in the way and usually it's because I have some kind of outcome goal associated with the thing which for me personally is bad. It works for some people but I don't personally like them that we've talked about three ways of beating procrastination. Nation number one name the enemy I either resistance number to become a professional and number three banish the ego. There's a lot more really good stuff about this in the book that we robot which as you can see is quite small. It doesn't take very long to read. And in fact, it only takes two hours to listen to or one hour. If you're going at Double speed like I do and you can do that on Audible who are very currently sponsoring this video. Now whenever inaudible sponsor my videos, I always need to pinch myself because basically Beyond any other broader work with it is the dream one because I have been evangelizing audible to all of my friends and anyone who listened to me for the last I don't know God knows how long even when I didn't have this YouTube channel and they weren't sponsoring my videos. And in fact, it's one of the nicest feelings in the world. When one of my friends sign up signs up for Audible and starts getting into audio books and tells me oh my God, I signed up to audible because of your recommendation. And now I'm reading the mistborn series and my mind is blown because it's just so good. So if you want to learn more about beating procrastination though, the definitely check out the war of art audio book, but if you're looking for fiction recommendations, which is what I personally prefer to listen to most of the time inaudible, I would 1000% recommend the mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. This series is narrated by a guy called Michael Kramer who is like the best narrator in the world in my opinion, and he's narrating. Mistborn series on The Stormlight Archive and The Wheel of Time and these are like Amazing Fantasy Books that I've been listening to on Audible it since like 2017 and I basically had Michael Michael Kramer's voice in my head at all times. So if you're new to the world of audiobooks hundred percent, I would recommend the mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. The first book of that is the final Empire and I started listening to that in like yeah 2017 has completely changed my life because now Brandon Sanderson is my favorite author and I freaking love listening to fantasy books inaudible another really good one to try is Stardust by Neil Gaiman. You might've seen the film. It's pretty good film, but the book is even better and it's a A really nice love story and it's just like narrated very well by Neil Gaiman himself to get started with a totally free 30-day trial in which you can get one free audiobook to listen to please head over to audible.com forward slash Ali Abdul and then you can sign up for your 30-day trial get your free audiobook. I'd recommend the final Empire by Brandon Sanderson whole Stardust by Neil Gaiman. If you want to go fiction or the war of art, if you would like the topic in this video and you want to learn more about how to beat the resistance and honestly of the hundred plus apps that I subscribe to I always say even when they're not sponsoring my videos, I always say that audible is the single subscription that I would Onto above all else. I would even cancel my Netflix subscription and my water wall cross subscription. If I had to in order to just subscribe to audible as the only thing because the amount of value is added to my life in terms of how little I paid for it. Each month is just absolutely astronomical and probably the most cost like cost effective thing that I own in my life. So if that sounds up your street and you want to get into the world of audiobooks and join me on this journey of listening to audiobooks forever and head over to audible.com forward slash Ali Abdullah to get your 30 day free trial and a free audio book. Anyway, I want to end with a quote from the book. Where he says never forget this very moment. We can change our lives there never was a moment and never will be when we are without the power to alter our destiny this second we can turn the tables on Resistance. Now this book had a pretty profound effect on my life and my creative and entrepreneurial journey and if you liked this video and you want to check out my thoughts on more books that have really impacted my life then check out this short playlist over here. The first video in it is about three books that changed my life and then we've got a few other very short videos summarizing some of the other books that I loved and have really helped me in life. So thank you so much for watching to hit that subscribe. White button if you aren't already and I will see you next time. Good night.
How I Overcame My Depression thumbnail
How I Overcame My Depression
In late 2019. I started to feel depressed because I was spending too much time digging into climate change. There's only got worse when the pandemic rolled around and I started to dive deep into The Economic Consequences that this was going to have on the world. I found myself struggling with things like motivation and especially my mood. I was a lot angrier for many many months, but recently things have been getting a lot better today. I want to show you how I was able to cure my depression and it all comes down to three things now just a disclaimer. I am not a In stara pissed I'm just some guy on the internet speaking about my personal experience. The form of depression that I had was not a very severe one. If you feel like you're in need of real help, I suggest you find a licensed professional to talk to now. The first thing I did was double down on the world's healthiest drug. What do I mean by this? Well, what if I told you that there's a drug that will make you feel energized make you feel happier for the rest of the day make you feel like you've accomplished something make you sleep better at night make you feel more confident razors. Office Team and on top of all of that. This is a drug that has almost no negative consequences if such a drug existed surely you would want to take it every day to feel better. Right? Well, it does exist. It's called working out working out is one of the most powerful Keystone habits out there which basically means if you stick to it, you'll end up adopting a bunch of other good habits such as eating healthier, which when combined tends to boost your overall sense of well-being now, of course, I know a lot of you are thinking but the gyms are closed. Okay, just get a pull up bar put some text books in a book bag and follow a home workout routine. There's plenty of good ones floating around online for free many of them. Don't even require equipment personally. I recommend checking out Jeff Nippers Channel. He really knows his stuff. But the most important thing you need to do is figure out exactly what you'll be doing during the workouts and then physically writing down when and where you're going to start. For example, I'm going to do Jeff's back routine tomorrow at 1 p.m. In my living room. The second thing I did that helped me overcome my depression. I should was to go out of my way to talk to more people and I don't mean just messaging but actually jumping on the phone and having real conversations. A lot of my childhood friends have been trying to build businesses at home with all their extra free time, and I've been talking to them on a daily basis trying to lend a hand. Now. The reason this is so important is because having deep meaningful conversations helps you feel fulfilled and serves as a healthy way to relieve stress all of us are under more stress nowadays because of the current world situation and this is causing us to turn to our Bad habits such as drinking smoking and gherkin as a way to cope. It's much healthier to cope by socializing pick up the phone and reach out to people that you care about that. You haven't spoken to in a while. I know some of you are a bit hesitant because you don't want to bother others, but I found that people are actually more receptive nowadays because we're all feeling lonelier than usual now. I know some of you are thinking well, I don't have that many close friends. I can't be calling the same person every single day and to some extent you're right and I would usually suggest that you go out and meet some new people. People but we can't really do that because of the current world situation. Luckily. I have an alternative solution. You see we've been building up an online community with hundreds of members on this chord. We're holding weekly events, like book clubs improv classes debates game nights and much much more and it only costs ten dollars per month to be a part of it. Now. I want to stress something very very important here. None of this money goes to me. We are redistributing the monthly donations back to the people in the server that are hosting the events. Which will allow for even more events to be hosted down to line. Our goal is to have something going on every single day. So that no matter what your schedule is, like you'll be able to find people to have deep and meaningful interactions with the reason this is not free is simply because I believe in a concept called Skin In the game people take things more seriously when they have something on the line, there's less strolling in the server and people are much more mature. You can learn more about our community by checking out our patreon page, which I will link to in the description box below and finally the third thing that helped me. My depression was Finding. Hope you need to genuinely believe that the future will be better in order for you to feel better. This was something that I struggled with a lot last year. My obsession with climate change caused me to become a Doomer basically. I was convinced that we only had a couple of years left before things got really really ugly. And this was extremely bad for my mental health. I found myself indulging in destructive habits more often because I figured what's the point of maintaining perfect health when there's no future now, I'm sure. Sure, most of you are not battling with dots of the Apocalypse, but you're still probably worried about your financial future your family the meaning of this all that sort of stuff in which case here's a way for you to find. Hope you need to find or tell yourself a story that's believable. And then you need to take an active role in it. I know this is a bit hard to digest. So let me give you an example. You see I was able to find hope I was able to convince myself that the apocalypse wasn't guaranteed by stumbling across a project that seems like it could be a viable solution. The climate change and the more I looked into it the stronger my belief in this story became the more hope I started to gain now. I took this even further by taking an active role in this story. You see I'm currently in the works of interviewing the lead researcher in order to spread awareness for this entire project. The fact that my actions will make a difference has given me even more hope and a very strong sense of purpose. Now. I have something to fight for you need to find something similar. You need a story that you can believe in and take part of And it doesn't have to be something as dramatic as saving the world from the apocalypse. It could be something humble like working on yourself or your business so that you can turn your financial situation around so that you can support your loved ones. Right? That's a common story that a lot of people have you see athletes all the time that work their butt off so that they can buy their mama home. So she doesn't have to work anymore stories about saving loved ones from future suffering are very very powerful. Now if you're having a hard time figuring out what sort of story to tell yourself I suggest you check out my video on Different forms of purpose in life which I will link to in the description box below if you can come up with a story that aligns with one of the nine forms of purpose that I cover in that video. You should be able to find a lot more. Hope alternatively one of the best ways to spark. Hope is by working on a skill and seeing progress. This gives you hope that you'll be able to make use of that skill to prosper in the future which is why this episode was brought to you with the help of the people over at skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes topics ranging from things like copywriting to animating spirit. Speaking of animating. I know a lot of you have been asking about how we make these videos if you want to learn exactly how some of our artists are doing this check out animation for illustration by Libby Van Der blog on skillshare. It's a beginner friendly course that will introduce you to many of the things we use for our videos skillshare is giving away access to their premium membership to the first 1,000 people who click on the link in the description box below after that. It's only around 10 dollars a month, which is incredibly affordable compared to what you would have to pay to learn these skills in an in-person class. I hope this video Helpful besides I guys stay tuned.
21 Riddles Your Friends Won't Crack Without Your Help thumbnail
21 Riddles Your Friends Won't Crack Without Your Help
Uh-oh, Brandon has missed too many lectures and now the guy has problems with his Professor the man agrees to give the student a chance to redeem himself. But only if he fulfills a test the professor has for him. I'll give you one glass of milk and one glass of water. You'll need to pour the two liquids into a bowl, but you should be able to separate the milk from the water later. You can't use any kind of dividers Brandon spent several hours. Hours mulling over the problem, but he was desperate enough to crack this riddle. What did he do? He poured all the water into a bowl and froze it after that. He added the mill one morning. Melissa. Saw that some money was missing from the wallet. She had left on the table the night before her husband was on a business trip. So it must have been one of her sons who took the cash Jason who is 17 15 year-old Jacob or her Young. Youngest son Andrew. He was 13 Melissa asked her son's what they had been doing. The previous evening. Jason said I felt unwell and had a headache after dinner. I took a painkiller and went to bed right away. Jacob told his mom my friend Eric stayed for dinner. After that. I gave him a lift home and Andrew reminded Melissa. He had had his basketball training the woman immediately understood who had taken the money. Can you figure it out as well? Jacob was lying. He was only 15 years old and couldn't drive legally detective green was called to investigate an accident a car crashed into a store window and smashed the glass. There are two suspects. Both of them deny causing. The accident detective green doesn't need much time to figure out who the culprit is. Do you know it too It's the owner of the blue car. The pattern on its tires is the same as the one on the ground in front of the store. It was a busy Monday morning at the police station When A Man rushed in I was robbed on the way to the bank. He screamed. I was going there carrying a bag with a large sum of money suddenly a man wearing a black mask and a pair of gloves ran up to me. He snatched the bag and darted away the police officer. Listen to the man and asked him about a fresh cut on his right cheek. The man replied. It was left by a ring. The criminal had been wearing when the policeman heard. His words he immediately understood the man was lying. How did he realize that? The man said the robber had been wearing gloves then how could the ring scratches cheap you lose your friends in a crowd. You spent half an hour looking for them and finally here they are. What is the first thing you do as soon as you see them? You stop searching. Look at these two women and the teenager sitting on the floor. He seems to be absorbed in his smartphone. Can you figure out which woman is as mother? It's the woman on the left children often subconsciously said facing their parents the teenager and the woman also have the same hair color Timothy and Laura were high school sweethearts. They got married shortly after college so far. They've been together for 20 years and have two kids who don't live with them anymore. Unfortunately, the spouses have started to fight a lot recently one day they And decide to divorce both of them confess. They've already found new partners on a dating site. Timothy says he's happy to have lots of common interest with his internet girlfriend and Laura boast that her new boyfriend understands her perfectly one day Timothy and Laura decide to meet their ideal Partners in real life. Strangely after this meeting the couple calls off their divorce. Can you figure out why? Timothy and Laura found out they were having an online relationship with each other an old man decided to leave all the money. He's been saving for his entire life to one of his three sons, but he couldn't choose which one should get the money. That's why the man gave each of them one coin. He asked his sons to buy something that would fill the largest room in their house the oldest son bought some raw cotton, but it wasn't enough to fill the whole room the Son brought home some straw and still there was some space left in the room and the youngest son bought two cheap things that managed to fill the room right away. He ended up being the one to get his father's money. What did he bring home? The youngest son bought a box of matches and a candle after he lit the candle the room was instantly filled with light Patrick shaves every day, but every morning he finds his beard to be just as long as it was the day before. How come Patrick is a barber. He shaves other people Amanda was 21 on her last birthday, but she's going to be 23 on her next one. How is it possible? It's Amanda's 22nd birthday today. Helen was walking in the forest and got lost after wandering hours to find her way back. She comes to a clearing their the woman sees three narrow paths, but one of them is blocked by huge dense bushes with sharp Thorns. The second is littered with trash and broken glass and the third path is guarded by Massive scary-looking mantises. Which road should Helen pick. The woman should choose the third path mantises might look terrifying but they're totally harmless a mad scientist caught Kevin and locked him in a small room. There were no windows and the door was locked but there was a note on the table. It was from the scientist jfm a m-- j a s OU ND guess the missing letter and I'll set you free. In 10 minutes, Kevin was already running away from the strange place. He managed to figure out that the missing letter was Jay those were the first letters of the months of the year from January to December and the sixth letter J stood for June. Can you figure out what this Rebus puzzle means? It's no biggie. No biggie. Yeah, it's a fruit. It's tasty and sweet and can give you a lot of energy, but you can also find it in your calendar. What is it? It's a date. Anna asked her colleague Daniel the give her a lift to the college where her daughter study she promised the girl to take her shopping that day on their way there Anna got an idea. How about a bet I'll prepare one of your reports for you. If you manage to figure out which girl is my daughter Daniel was up for the challenge when they arrived at the college, they saw three girls waiting at the gates. Daniel was confused. They all look similar. Can you figure out who Anna? daughter is it's the girl on the left. Anna has the letter L tattooed on her wrists and the girl is wearing a bracelet with the same letter a teenager is walking along the street together with a car mechanic. The guy is the mechanic son. But the mechanic isn't the boy's father. How is it possible? The car mechanic is the guy's mother two cars silver and white are moving along the same Highway. The silver car is travelling at a speed that's twice higher than that of the white car. They both started at the same time and still after some time on the road. The two cars come across each other. How is it possible? The cars were moving toward each other John and Michael are car mechanics after finishing a tricky repair. They get out from under the car John's face is all dirty, but Michael's face is miraculously clean and still it's Michael who goes and washes his face. Why? Michael looked at his colleague and thought his face was dirty too. But when John saw Michael whose face was spotless he concluded he was just as clean. When do you keep moving when you see red, but stop once it's green. It always happens when you're eating a watermelon, who is the only brother-in-law of your mother's brother. That's your father. One night. A group of thieves was stealing boxes with electronics from a warehouse. They were carrying them to their van when they heard a police car siren. But even though the thieves didn't manage to avoid the police they didn't get arrested. Why? They started to carry the boxes back to the warehouse and the police thought it was a late night delivery. That's kind of smart.
50+ Myths You Grew Up Believing but Are False thumbnail
50+ Myths You Grew Up Believing but Are False
We only have five senses. Myth. There's no right number some say five seven 14:24 or even 57 our most basic senses are actually sight hearing smell taste and touch but also movement body position temperature balance and the sense of our internal State like feeling your heart for example, close your eyes and touch your nose that's proprioception or body position. Bats are blind myth. That's eyesight is actually better at night time than ours. He just can't see as well in daytime because they only see in black and white. It's perhaps this myth arose from the fact that bats use sonar to navigate with outside unicorns are real true. They're not horses though. It's deer that are likely the culprit a single horn can be a genetic anomaly found in some species possibly leading to the Unicorn. That formed a long time ago. Honey, never spoils myth uncovered in a humid environment. It will spoil as long as the lid stays on it and no water is added to it. Honey. Shouldn't go bad though, having antifungal and antibacterial properties means no organisms can live in it. No matter how old your stored honey is it's probably perfectly edible oranges are always orange. Myth sweet oranges are a hybrid of tangerines and the Mellow with a bright green skin to help protect them from the Sun in warmer climates, like southeast Asia oranges are still a bright green when right make sure wonder what came first the fruit or the color. There are bugs in your strawberry Frappuccino true. But not anymore add I made of ground-up tiny insects called cochineal Bugs is used by many companies to make the color red Starbucks. Stop using bug. Red color and their strawberry Frappuccinos in 2015 firefighters use wetter water true to be more efficient at stopping fyers firefighters recently started adding certain chemicals to the water the wetting agents reduce the surface tension of the water making it easier to spread and soak into objects leave wasps alone, and they'll leave you alone myth. Well, this works for bees their cousins. The Yellowjackets will disagree Known as one of the most bad-tempered wasps. They've been said to staying unprovoked even if you just happen to walk by their nest. If you see wasps give them a wide berth. The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be torn down after 20 years true. The Eiffel Tower was designed to show off Frances industrial power during the World's Fair the designers cleverly put transmitters and antennas on top to make the tower to useful to eventually demolished. polish Head lice preferred dirty hair myth lice don't really think about hair cleanliness. They simply need human hair to hang on to whether it's squeaky clean or greasier than a fryer lice feed off of our scalps and the hair is just a place to hang out Camels Hump store water. Myth camels don't store water. They store fat in their tissues. Just like me after the holidays these reservoirs. Fed allow camels to survive for days in the desert without stopping for food. They drink large amount of water at a time and store that in their bloodstream. You need to drink eight glasses of water a day. Myth staying hydrated is critical, especially in hotter weather, but we seem to forget that every drink is mainly water even tea and coffee. Our bodies are the best indicators for when to drink water feel thirsty, then it's time to have a drink. An elephant never forgets true having the biggest brain of all land animals elephants should have a great memory and they do being able to remember their entire territory friends and Spas to find water is crucial to the social structure of elephants. They might even have a better memory than you and I now where did I leave my keys? Another myth. Is that a possums hang on branches with their tail? The opossum does use its tail to help it climb trees but its tail can't support its way even a hulked out calisthenics Master opossum could only hang there for a few seconds Max Legend has it that a penguin will fall backward when looking up at an aircraft Que te Smith ever Penguins can maintain their balance no matter what even while looking up at the sky, but low, Fine airplanes may cause Penguins to flee their nests in panic. There's a myth that owls can turn their heads full circle, but that would cause them significant damage but still they can turn their heads comfortably more than halfway around because of their unique neck bone structure. If you've ever poked a turtle shell thinking it won't hurt the guy inside you'd be wrong a turtle shell is a living and feeling part of its body with a complete nerve ending Supply if the shell gets damaged it can even endanger the turtles live there was a time when people thought that unwashed hair was the ideal habitat for headlines, but head lice don't discriminate. No, they can make themselves a home in all hair types. All they really want is a warm scalp. Most people are familiar with the phrase an apple a day keeps the doctor away apples are good for you. Sure. They're packed with nutrients like fiber and vitamin C. But does anyone really think that's enough when it comes to Food hygiene. The five-second rule just doesn't make sense. There should be a where you drop it rule to replace the 5 second one. Generally if you drop food on your kitchen floor, it's going to pick up fewer bacteria than if you drop it at the checkout counter of a busy Supermarket, of course, that's assuming your kitchens clean up. Oh ever wondered whether the story about chewing gum taking seven years to digest is true. Nah, it isn't chewing gum isn't too different from any other food. It takes around the same time to digest but it's not exactly nutrient heavy Legend has it that catching a cold is likely to happen in cold weather, but Studies have shown that weather doesn't really play a part in getting a cold a virus. Does people may experience more cold-like symptoms when Weather is icy cold, but temperature has nothing to do with recovery time or anything like that do people only use 10% of their brains. Well, I have some friends who seem to never mind. No, the answer is no scientists who've studied brain scans say they don't show any large dormant areas of the brain. But if the myth is just about humans having a long way to go to reach their full potential. Yeah, that sounds about right. Right one of life's no nose is to jump into the pool right after eating but hitting the gym after a big meal can leave you feeling just as uncomfortable as doing a few laps. Also, if you're worried about getting a cramp in the pool, those can happen anytime not just after a meal does shaved hair grow back darker and thicker researchers say it doesn't but shaving does give your hair a blunt tip, which can make it feel thicker when it comes to color that. New darker stubble is Just an Illusion. Some people are convinced that eating turkey leaves them feeling drowsy. It's true that turkey has a chemical that can cause drowsiness but so does chicken or beef turkey is a favorite for those massive family celebrations. So that drowsiness it's probably due to the huge amount. You wait the myth that people lose most of their body heat through their heads was probably first invented by a hat salesman. Not surprising scientists say that people lose only about 10% of their body heat through their heads. You lose heat through your skin. No matter where that skin is. Have you heard the saying that a full moon can affect your mind somehow and no but researchers believe that light from a full moon can affect your sleep which can affect your mood did ancient Vikings really wear those awesome horned helmets. There's no real evidence to back up. Is claim this myth probably came from Books and Music looking to spice up their Heroes of debt. If you want to see a viking with a helmet go to a Minnesota Vikings game. That's about as close as you're gonna get some people believe Einstein flunked math and school Einstein himself debunk this Theory by saying he mastered calculus at age 15, but Einstein did fail to enter the school of his choice because he flunked languages on his first try. But math he passed with flying colors. This statement holds some truth because silver does have antibacterial properties. However, just putting something silver in the water whether it's a spoon chain or coin won't cut it because there aren't enough silver ions to get that cleansing effect. All types of tea green black white and so on grow on the same Bush, they just get their specific tastes and appearances after the leaves are harvested. It's all about the different processes of leaf, drying and fermentation. Actually. It's totally possible. You just have to avoid using any digital devices before bedtime because the blue light they emit suppresses the secretion of melatonin the hormone that makes us sleepy give this tip a try and you'll fall asleep. Charlier and thus wake up early enough to get that worm these animals just bend down to the sand to eat it not bury their head in it swallowing it along with small Pebbles helps their digestion. Nope, you can and in fact should wake a sleepwalking person if they're about to do something risky that might hurt them or someone else in any other case. It's better to gently guide them back to bed. The Great Wall of China is invisible to the naked eye from space. However, some human-made constructions such as the ancient pyramids at Giza are. Ever been told you have the memory of a goldfish can't remember, huh? Well scientists now believe that these fish can remember for up to five months and are even responsive to training Sit Stay good fishy. The sun is a fireball it kind of what we see as the sun in the skies is the result of innumerable processes of nuclear fusion this releases an unimaginable amount of energy every second. But nothing here is actually burning for fire to burn it needs oxygen and its really scarce in the sun. The sun is yellow. The power in our Sun's light is so immense. We just can't put a stamp of one color on it. It's a lot of colors mixed together, which makes it appear as white. We see the sun as yellow or orange sometimes read only because the atmosphere of the earth scatters colors like blue green and violet. This is also why we see the sky as blue. Water is extremely rare in the universe. Both of the elements water consists of are among the most abundant stuff in the universe. We think water is scarce only because we rarely found it on our neighboring planets, but science proposes, there are lots of huge worlds having up to half of their mass as water to compare. Our planet's mass is only 0.02 percent water. All comets have tails in reality comets are almost invisible before they get close to the star and their tails appear this tale consists of ice scattering away when the comet gets closer to the heat of the star if the comet isn't heated it won't have a tail. The void of space is cold space isn't just cold. It's extremely cold - 454 degrees Fahrenheit. Nothing a sweater can save you from but relatively close to the Sun it gets up to 250 degrees. This is also why space suits are white, they need to reflect as much light and heat as possible. Orbits are circles with massive space objects in their Center while the sun holds planets in their orbits due to its gravitational pull planets have their own poll that shifts the center of orbit away from the Sun. It looks more like they danced with each other plus orbits have elliptical shapes not circles. Summer is warmer because we're closer to the Sun. Nope. Not at all during summer. The sun is above the Horizon for up to 17 hours a day, but during the winter. It's just six hours this happens because the axis of the earth is tilted at an angle. So at one time of the year the northern part of the earth catches more sunlight and at another time, it's the southern Parts turn to get more warmth. Astronauts work out on orbit because they need muscular bodies to work in Space. The gravity on orbit doesn't affect your body and it doesn't work as much astronauts work out because they need to be ready to return back to earth and its gravity without feeling like they're about to get squished. It's difficult to go through asteroid belts. Well unlike the movies real asteroid belts are kind of boring and empty between two space rocks in a belt like huge distances of nothing at all going through one in a spaceship with decent planning would be a walk in a park except you're in space sound and fire in space. There's no oxygen in space. So if a spaceship goes Any fire will burn out the oxygen inside the ship and then just fade and in the vacuum of space. There's not enough matter to transfer the sound the sun would be definitely loud. Otherwise since it basically produces innumerable colossal blasts happening every moment. Warp drives that can distort space-time and get you to a distant corner of an alien galaxy in the blink of an eye. That's a staple of any Space Opera space ships capable of such a feet are always shown as instantly accelerating from zero to faster than light according to the law of physics people on board should well at least be pushed into their seats hard more strictly speaking. No one would be able to survive such an acceleration because it's too many G's on a Agile human body until we find a way to reduce the effects of overload. We can't even start thinking of space warps water isn't the rarest and most precious resource in the universe. In fact, there's a humongous space Cloud several million light years away from us that consists entirely of water. Its reserves would be enough to fill all our oceans 140 trillion times over and many planets some Even in our solar system seem to have liquid water. Water on them the most precious resource in space is life and that requires a lot more stuff to appear than just liquid water astronauts are often shown working out on the ISS and sci-fi space stations. And that much is true. They do need physical activity. But the reason isn't that they need strong bodies to work in Space the gravity out. There is much weaker and astronauts don't use their muscles as much as on Earth. So when they come back to the surface gravity Them as a sledgehammer and their bodies feel squishy to alleviate those effects. They train every day. Although they say we can see millions of stars on a clear starry night. That number is much more modest about 3,000. All the rest are other objects that are also luminous and mistaken for stars planets distant galaxies and even artificial satellites. They're simply being illuminated by real stars. Just like the moon and Become seen but because they're that far away. We can't tell if they're stars are not still you got to admit. It's all still pretty cool. Despite what many sci-fi directors want us to believe there's no dark side to the Moon. Our satellite is tidally locked with Earth. Meaning. It's always turn to us with one side while the other always looks away. The sun is much farther from us than the moon and were both turning round and round warming and lighting this side and that in turn it means that once in every short while the Moon is lit by the Sun from either side. It's just that we can't see it from where we are.
How to be miserable for the rest of your life thumbnail
How to be miserable for the rest of your life
Here's a quick tutorial on how to be miserable for the rest of your life Step 1. Wake up whenever you want to don't wake up at a reasonable hour an hour that makes you feel good about yourself. Make sure you wake up when everyone has had a head start to the day. You really want to make sure you feel like you've missed any chance to start your day off on the right foot and when you get out of bed, don't make your bed don't shower just wear whatever you wore yesterday and head downstairs. It's important that you start the day off with little to no self-respect feeling as grimy. As possible step to make sure your house is always a complete disaster. Your house is filled with many rooms each with a specific purpose. You want to make sure that it's extremely difficult to accomplish those purposes. The pigsty will also help subconsciously reinforce the idea that you're a disorganized person whose life is not in order. This is an extremely important belief to have when trying to remain miserable step 3 procrastinate When the Thought Dawns on you to do something productive like clean your disgusting kitchen just Ignore that feeling after all you just woke up and you have so much time later in the day to get that done. You want to get in the habit of delegating all your life's problems to the future version of yourself who will probably have a lot more motivation and energy than you do right now step 4 look busy after you sit down to do some work open up a Word document to help yourself feel like you're being productive give your document a nice title and then immediately open up Reddit Instagram Facebook and Twitter just to check if you missed. Anything you see it doesn't really matter what you do as long as you're sitting on your desk and that word document is open. It'll help trick your conscience into thinking you're doing work, but you won't be getting any further in life step 5, wait for opportunities never be proactive with finding new opportunities to grow your career or meet new people wait for all that to come knocking on your door after all it's going to happen. It's going to happen. You'll meet the girl of your dreams one day and things will kind of just work out you probably also Land your dream job if you just wait long enough. Anyways, the important thing is to not take action. Don't try to figure out the most effective way to get what you want. Just wait until things work out step 6 be default know when a friend asks you to go out for a drink just say no after all you're super busy these days and have a lot of work to do when your boss gives you the opportunity to lead a meeting at work try to find an excuse to slink out of it. The key here is to give everyone the impression that they should just let you do your own thing. NG be so good at saying no that people just stopped asking you to do anything step 7 be suspicious of people never give people the benefit of the doubt believe that everyone basically just wants to take advantage of you and because of this you should be guarded and put up walls to protect yourself emotionally assume the smiles people give you are fake and that their motives are malevolent step 8 never fix the things you dislike about yourself continue to engage in activities that make you feel And week never prove to yourself that you can overcome obstacles or better yourself never attempt to transcend your vices or change your lifestyle for the better subscribe to the idea that people can't change. So you shouldn't try step 9 focus on things you can't control as often as possible get pissed off at the traffic the government the pandemic you really want to reinforce the idea that the world is messed up and there's nothing you can do about it focus on the shortcomings of others. Failings of your country and the state of the economy maintain a constant external locus of control over all the events in your life. This will really help you feel powerless. And if you're trying to be miserable, that's perfect step 10 use fear as motivation make the fear of negative consequence your primary motivator for everything you do set up deadlines that frighten you and punish yourself for failing to meet them. Use White Knuckle tactics to force yourself into productivity and remind yourself constantly. Only that your entire life could fall apart. If you don't keep your head above water Step 11 only do what is comfortable. Let your comfort zone be the authority on what you do and don't do if it's not comfortable don't do it avoid discomfort at all costs and participate only in activities that are familiar and effortless don't concern yourself with gaining fresh perspectives or novel experiences stay in your lane operating your wheelhouse step 12 believe you're special behave. Like you're entitled to things on the basis that you're just different than everyone else assume that the people that have what you want in life. Just don't deserve it as much as you do always regard yourself as talented unique one-of-a-kind. This will really help you develop an outsider complex, which will make it difficult to open up to other people or see things from their perspective. But since you don't want to do any of that uncomfortable stuff anyways, that's perfect Step 13 C life not as it is, but how you wish it? To be day dream of a day where things are better fantasize about a life where all your problems are gone. You want to make sure you mentally Escape as much as possible to distract you from the obstacles in front of you pour your mental energy not into fixing your problems or improving yourself, but into building up this fantasy to be as detailed as possible reflect daily about what you would buy if you won the lottery or became a celebrity constantly compare your life to this fiction and become resentful at the juxtaposition. So if suffering is what you're after and you crave the daily Strife then you're in luck because if you follow this advice, you'll be miserable for the rest of your life. This video was sponsored by audible the audiobook I'm currently diving into is green lights by Matthew McConaughey. It's been on Amazon's bestseller list for 23 straight weeks now and I wanted to see what the hype is about and sure enough. I'm really enjoying it so far. I think the audible version is especially enjoyable because it's narrated by McConaughey himself which really helps his lessons and Tails resonate with the reader. It really feels like you're getting to know Matthew McConaughey personally and he just seems like a cool guy to know for those of you who don't know audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment and audio books ranging from best sellers to celebrity Memoirs motivation productivity and so much more like original entertainment and even podcasts audible recently launched their newest plan audible plus and with audible plus you get access to their entire. R+ catalog which is filled with thousands and thousands of Select Originals audiobooks and podcasts including ad free versions of popular shows as well as exclusive series. One of my favorite things about audible is that if you decide to cancel your membership for whatever reason at any point, you still keep your entire library of audio books including the audio books that you got for free using their credit system. So it's kind of a no-brainer. So to sign up for your free 30-day trial click the link in the description below. Hello, visit audible.com slash better ideas or text better ideas to 500 500 once again to sign up for your free 30-day trial click the link in the description below visit audible.com slash better ideas or text better ideas to 500 500.

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